With a Self-Directed IRA, you’ll enjoy the freedom and benefits of having complete control. You select and direct your IRA investments, including real estate, private companies, lending money, precious metals, and more! As a Self-Directed IRA administrator, we allow you to invest in the full range of asset types allowed by the IRS. For many of our clients, the benefits of a large range of investment choices combined with the tax advantages of a retirement account yield very profitable results. Contact us today and see how a Self-Directed IRA can help you build more wealth for retirement.
- Buy and sell real estate
- Residential or commercial
- Rent or Sale
- Buy stock
- Use personal expertice
- Use dividends to invest in your IRA
- Loan to individuals or companies
- You set the terms
- Loan paymets made to your IRA
- Get creative
- Use your passions
- Invest in your IRA